
What is a scenario?

A scenario tells HoloOcean which world to load, which agents to place in the world, and which sensors they need.

It defines:

  • Which world to load

  • Agent Definitions

    • What type of agent they are

    • Where they are

    • What sensors they have


You can think of scenarios like a map or gametype variant from Halo: the world or map itself doesn’t change, but the things in the world and your objective can change.

Scenarios allow the same world to be used for many different purposes, and allows you to extend and customize the scenarios we provide to suit your needs without repackaging the engine.

When you call holoocean.make() to create an environment, you pass in the name of a scenario, eg holoocean.make("Pier-Hovering"). This tells HoloOcean which world to load and where to place agents.

Scenario File Format

Scenario .json files are distributed in packages (see Package Contents), and must be named {WorldName}-{ScenarioName}.json. By default they are stored in the worlds/{PackageName} directory, but they can be loaded from a Python dictionary as well.

Scenario File

   "name": "{Scenario Name}",
   "world": "{world it is associated with}",
   "lcm_provider": "{Optional, where to publish lcm to}",
   "ticks_per_sec": 30,
   "frames_per_sec": 30,
   "env_min": [-10, -10, -10],
   "env_max": [10, 10, 10],
   "octree_min": 0.1,
   "octree_max": 5,
      "array of agent objects"
   "weather": {
      "hour": 12,
      "type": "'sunny' or 'cloudy' or 'rain'",
      "fog_density": 0,
      "day_cycle_length": 86400
   "window_width":  1280,
   "window_height": 720

window_width/height control the size of the window opened when an environment is created. For more information about weather options, see weather.


The first agent in the agents array is the “main agent”

Frame Rates

There’s two parameters you can configure that’ll handle frame rate changes: ticks_per_sec and frames_per_sec.

ticks_per_sec changes how many ticks in a simulation second. This must be higher than any “Hz” sampling rate of the sensors used. Defaults to 30.

frames_per_sec is the max FPS the environment can run at. If true, it will match ticks_per_sec. If false, FPS will not be capped, and the environment will run as fast as possible. If a number, that’ll be the frame rate cap.

For a few examples of how you might want to configure these. If you’re manually controlling the robot(s), you’ll likely want it to run at realtime, thus you’ll want to set frames_per_sec to true. When using a quality GPU, simulations can run much faster than realtime, making things difficult to control otherwise. If you’re running headless/autonomous, you’ll likely want the simulation to run as fast as possible, thus a good frames_per_sec would be false.

Configuring Octree

When using a form of sonar sensor and initializing the world, an Octree will either be created or loaded from a cache. The parameters of these can be set using the env_min, env_max, octree_min, and octree_max. The octrees are cached in the LinuxNoEditor/Holodeck/Octrees folder in the worlds folder. See Package Installation Location.

env_min/env_max are used to set the upper/lower bounds of the environment. They should be set in Package Structure, but the values set here will override it.

octree_min/octree_max are used to set the minimum/mid-level size of the octree. octree_min can go as low as .01 (1cm), and then the octree will double in size till it reaches octree_max.

Agent objects

   "agent_name": "uav0",
   "agent_type": "{agent types}",
   "sensors": [
      "array of sensor objects"
   "control_scheme": "{control scheme type}",
   "location": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
   "rotation": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
   "location_randomization": [1, 2, 3],
   "rotation_randomization": [10, 10, 10]


HoloOcean coordinates are right handed in meters. See Coordinate System

Location Randomization

location_randomization and rotation_randomization are optional. If provided, the agent’s start location and/or rotation will vary by a random amount between the negative and the positive values of the provided randomization values as sampled from a uniform distribution.

The location value is measured in meters, in the format [dx, dy, dz] and the rotation is [roll, pitch, yaw].

Agent Types

Here are valid agent_type s:

Agent Type

String in agent_type









Control Schemes

Control schemes are represented as an integer. For valid values and a description of how each scheme works, see the documentation pages for each agent.

Sensor Objects

   "sensor_type": "RGBCamera",
   "sensor_name": "FrontCamera",
   "location": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
   "rotation": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
   "socket": "socket name or \"\"",
   "Hz": 5,
   "lcm_channel": "channel_name",
   "configuration": {


Sensors have a couple options for placement.

  1. Provide a socket name

    This will place the sensor in the given socket

       "sensor_type": "RGBCamera",
       "socket": "CameraSocket"
  2. Provide a socket and a location/rotation

    The sensor will be placed offset to the socket by the location and rotation

       "sensor_type": "RGBCamera",
       "location": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
       "socket": "CameraSocket"
  3. Provide just a location/rotation

    The sensor will be placed at the given coordinates, offset from the root of the agent.

       "sensor_type": "RGBCamera",
       "location": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
  1. Provide a sensor sample rate

    The sensor will be sampled at this rate. Note this must be less then ticks_per_sec, and preferably a divisor of ticks_per_sec as well. See Frame Rates for more info on ticks_per_sec.

       "sensor_type": "RGBCamera",
       "Hz": 20

4 Publish Message

Currently, HoloOcean supports publishing mesages to LCM (with possible ROS package coming). To publish sensor data to LCM, specify the type to publish.

   "sensor_type": "RGBCamera",
   "lcm_channel": "CAMERA"

The channel parameter specifies which channel to publish the sensor data to.

The only keys that are required in a sensor object is "sensor_type", the rest will default as shown below

   "sensor_name": "sensor_type",
   "location": [0, 0, 0],
   "rotation": [0, 0, 0],
   "socket": "",
   "publish": "",
   "lcm_channel": "",
   "configuration": {}

Configuration Block

The contents of the configuration block are sensor-specific. That block is passed verbatim to the sensor itself, which parses it.

For example, the docstring for RGBCamera states that it accepts CaptureWidth and CaptureHeight parameters, so an example sensor configuration would be:

   "sensor_name": "RBGCamera",
   "socket": "CameraSocket",
   "configuration": {
      "CaptureHeight": 1920,
      "CaptureWidth": 1080