
HoloOcean is installed in two portions: a client python library (holoocean) is installed first, which then downloads world packages. The python portion is very small, while the world packages (“binaries”) can be several gigabytes.


  • >= Python 3.6

  • Several gigabytes of storage

  • pip3

  • Linux or Windows 64bit

  • Preferably a competent GPU

  • For Linux: OpenGL 3+

Stable Installation

The easiest installation is via the pypi repository, done as,

pip install holoocean

And then to install the binary, simply run

import holoocean

Or as a single console command,

python -c `import holoocean; holoocean.install("Ocean")`


There is a bug on Windows with the package pywin32 that occurs occasionally. If you see “ImportError: DLL load failed while importing win32event: The specified module could not be found.”, it can be fixed by running pip install pywin32==225

Development Installation


If you had previously installed holoocean before moving to the develop or any other branch, then you will need to uninstall the binary by running holoocean.remove("Ocean") before proceeding. Failure to do so may result in unpredictable behavior.

To use the latest version of HoloOcean, you can install and use HoloOcean simply by cloning the, and ensuring it is on your sys.path.

The master branch is kept in sync with the pip repository, the develop branch is the bleeding edge of development.

To install the develop branch, simply run

git clone
cd holoocean
git checkout develop
pip install .

Then to install the most recent version of the oceans package, run the python command

import holoocean
holoocean.install("Ocean", branch="develop")

Or as a single console command,

python -c `import holoocean; holoocean.install("Ocean", branch="develop")`

Note you can replace “develop” with whichever branch of HoloOcean-Engine you’d like to install.

Docker Installation

HoloOcean’s docker image is only supported on Linux hosts.

You will need nvidia-docker installed.

The repository on DockerHub is frostlab/holoocean.

Currently the following tags are availible:

  • base : base image without any worlds

  • ocean : comes with the Ocean package preinstalled

  • all/latest : comes with the all packages pre-installed

This is an example command to start a holodeck container

nvidia-docker run --rm -it --name holoocean frostlab/holoocean:ocean


When ran in docker, HoloOcean can only be ran headless. This means you must pass the parameter show_viewport=False into holoocean.make().


HoloOcean cannot be run with root privileges, so the user holooceanuser with no password is provided in the docker image.

Managing World Packages

The holodeck python package includes a Package Manager that is used to download and install world packages. Below are some example usages, but see Package Manager for complete documentation.

Install a Package Automatically

>>> from holoocean import packagemanager
>>> packagemanager.installed_packages()
>>> packagemanager.available_packages()
>>> packagemanager.install("Ocean")
Installing Ocean ver. 0.1.0 from
File size: 1.55 GB
|████████████████████████| 100%
Unpacking worlds...
>>> packagemanager.installed_packages()

Installation Location

By default, HoloOcean will install packages local to your user profile. See Package Installation Location for more information.

Manually Installing a Package

To manually install a package, you will be provided a .zip file. Extract it into the worlds folder in your HoloOcean installation location (see Package Installation Location)


Ensure that the file structure is as follows:

+ worlds
+-- YourManuallyInstalledPackage
|   +-- config.json
|    +-- etc...
+-- AnotherPackage
|   +-- config.json
|   +-- etc...


+ worlds
+-- YourManuallyInstalledPackage
|   +-- YourManuallyInstalledPackage
|       +-- config.json
|   +-- etc...
+-- AnotherPackage
|   +-- config.json
|   +-- etc...